Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Jacob Riis

In this photo, I see a crowded room full of men. This place doesn't look healthy, given by what I see. It looks like everything is piled up onto other things. Looking at the faces of these men makes me feel like they're uncomfortable, and depressed. But ultimately shows the blank expression on their faces. "This is life." These men feel tired and over worked. All they have is a blanket to cover themselves up in.

Where do they store their food? I see bowls and pots, but no food storage. Is it illegal to store food in your compartment at that time? Did food have to be given to you?

These people are hit by the harsh realities of life. I am pretty sure that they aren't that well paid either. Is this because they are immigrants? I believe that this is unfair. Although this is a big part of life during this time period.

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