Monday, September 19, 2011

What does it say about a nation that celebrate some one like Columbus?

Well it's obvious that anyone would question wether they would be here had it not been for what Columbus did. But as for a nation? It says that they lack the ability to grasp their heroes' flaws and unlawful actions. Or for that matter any other nation. Which makes us think most situations like this through.

Just like any other nation. A nation praises their heroes' for the good in their history. It is other nations that question the judgements that other nations make as a result of what their heroes' do.

Columbus made many things possible for this nation and the population solutes him for his actions. Although certain actions he committed comes to question if he is a hero or not. Such as lets just say the slaughter of the native americans. As a student, of course I am going to be ignorant about what Columbus has done to achieve his title. But do I think any less of him? I guess in a sense I do, but then again I would have to think "where or who would I be?", had it not been for him.

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